Monday, July 26, 2021

Sat July 24: Burton to Deep Bay

 In which we miscalculate ...

First up was breakfast at the Bistro - it seemed only fair that we support the state park, since the mooring ball was so cheap.  It was the cutest camp store/cafe !  Eveything you might need for a successful family camping experience - hot coffee and wine for the grownups; Jiffypop, glow sticks and smore makings for the kids; ice cream bars for everyone!

Then we walked around the whole island. That sounds more impressive than it was - we just followed all the trails, which led to less than 3 miles of walking.

The Bistro

Always important to know how far you are from Tokyo.

Tip of the island, courtesy of some other hikers.

I wish we had done a camping trip like this with the kids.  We watched, gobsmacked, while this family got 2 adults, 2 kids, 2 dogs, 4 bikes, bike gear and swim gear, plus snacks, etc out of this tiny boat.  It was  a miracle of packing - kind of like a clown car. 

Mr. Weather was predicting high wind/waves coming from the south, so we decided we would be best protected back in Deep Bay.  Rick once again lowered the 'mast' so that we could pass under the Gut bridge. Nerves were running high at the prospect of weeds ...

You can see Rick's balls waiting their time to be put back into use on the return locks.

The Gut passage was even more fraught this time.  At one point we were hailed by two jet skies who had stalled due to the weeds.  We didn't dare detour to help them and risk stalling ourselves - we both felt badly about that, thinking back to the time we were stuck at Mt Vernon and our marriage was saved by someone towing us.  Fortunately, another more shallow boat soon stopped to help.

Back in Deep Bay we had several 'drive-bys' by bass boats.  It's like someone walking right past your kitchen window - a bit disconcerting.

There were several other boats taking refuge in the mooring field.  We all moved around, trying to find the perfect place to wait out what was promising to be high winds and an uncomfortable night.  Let me assure you that we did not find that sweet spot.  No one did.  The 20-30 mph winds came whipping right in and we all spent a dismal night bucking around.  That hasn't happened in awhile.  We miscalculated-I admit it.

1 comment:

  1. That part of the world gets some night time storms...Hope the boat and you all weren't damaged!
