Monday, April 5, 2021

2020 - Boating by the Numbers

 In which we quantify our 2020 trip for our loyal readers ...

TEST - TEST - TEST - Is this thing on?  Its been a few months since you last heard from us and the 2021 boating season is just around the corner so we decided to get out the blog dust it off.   As we prepare for this year’s adventure we decided the best way to plan is to look back at last year’s trip and everything we did on our cruise.   

So, we present Blue Horizon 2019/2020 travel and consumption by the numbers:

Travel Details:

Miles Traveled: 3210.2

Total Days on the Boat: 129

    - Marina Nights: 80

    - Free Docks Nights: 5

    - Anchor Out Nights: 44

- Diesel Gallons: 1275.94

- Diesel Cost: $2654.05

- Total Engine Hours: 

- Oil changes: 2

- Major repairs: 2 (water pump and anchor winch)

Non-travel Details:

Urgent Care Visits:  2 (one for each)

Toilet paper rolls: used  14

Bottles of Windex: 2

Scraple eaten: 2 portions

Mel working hours on boat: 189

Rick working hours on boat: 2 (and then we had to go back to Atlanta so he could work at a desk - apparently he is not as flexible as Melanie.)

Important take-aways:

- Too many clothes! Take fewer clothes next time around

- Get better chairs

Of course this is just a part of the overall experience but looking back helps us go forward.  The boat has been waiting for us this year at Colton’s Point Marina on the Potomac River in Maryland.  We had it wrapped up and winterized by the marina crew and it will be ready for us this  year when we head north to resume our trip on the Great Loop around April 26. 


Rick has been diligently working on boat projects even if he is not there (that means spending money!).  We needed a new radio this year and Rick researched and purchased a replacement for the old one on the boat.  He also purchased new lines, new bumpers (to be used in the Erie Canal), a new lamp and other assorted items that he is sure we need. 

This year’s travel itinerary depends on opening of the Canadian border with the USA.  If the border opens we follow plan A across the Erie Canal, up the Oswego Canal, across Lake Ontario and up the Rideau Canal through Ottawa and Montreal.  We then go up the St. Lawrence River to the Chambly canal and end up in Lake Champlain.   If the border doesn’t open we cruise the Erie Canal to the NY finger lakes - Cayuga and Seneca and then return to the Hudson River to travel north to Lake Champlain.   Either way the plan is to end up in Lake Champlain and leave the boat there for the winter of 2021/22. 

Check back here soon as we plan to begin our regular updates once we are on the boat.  We look forward to hearing from you.