Tuesday, October 18, 2022

2022 Boating By The Numbers

In an annual tradition our loyal readers have come to expect, we will attempt to give you some insight into our 2022 boating year by using numbers.  Some of these are very acurate (anything that Rick was in charge of) and some of them not so much (I lost count of grocery stores and toilet rolls by week #2).


Miles traveled: 1556  From Winter Harbor to Montreal to Lake Champlain (Burlington, VT).  Then on to Quebec City and on to the Saguenay River to see whales.  After the whales we returned to Montreal and then on to the Ottawa and the Rideau Canal.   Finally through Kingston, the Thousand Islands and then back to Winter Harbor through the Oswego Canal.

Hours underway: 220.9

Average speed (miles traveled/hours): 7 mph

Locks: 103 (WOW!)

Toilet rolls: 12

Paper towels: 6

Bags of ice: infinity - basically every time we stopped

Loads of laundry: I lost track at 6:

Grocery runs: oh, HELL NO.  I lost track at 11

Fuel: 655.5 gallons (approximately 3 gallons/hour)

Pumpouts: 6


Forts/Battlefields: I lost track at 9 (remember this area was home to many battles during the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.

Bike Rides: 9 - then this collarbone situation put an end to bike riding

Post Cards Sent: 2 - we suck at staying in touch

Overnight visitors: 4 (Mike & Linda and William & Le)

New Friends that we will see next year: 4

Old Friends seen along the way: 6

# of relatives Mel saw: 7

That is an overview of our trip by the numbers.  Let us know if you have any questions.  Thanks for joining us on our trip this year.