Friday, September 22, 2023

Tues Sept 19: Leaving Blue Horizon in Michigan City - Hiatus

Once again the morning brought dark clouds and rain!  I spent some time preparing the boat to be left for a couple of weeks.   I closed all the through-hulls (valves that allow raw water to flow into the boat for different reasons), battened down the hatches, closed windows, emptied the trash, etc.    

I had figured out how to take the South Shore Line train in to Chicago and at 1:30 I ordered an Uber to take me to the stop for pick up for the 2:20 train. Turns out that they are doing construction and the train isn’t stopping in Michigan City.  The alternative is to take a bus that takes one to a stop further up the line.  It was like they sent a bus just for me. I was the only one on a big bus!   I chatted with the driver and he dropped me off at the Gary, IN transfer stop (wait, Gary, Indiana….don’t start singing!)

Then I got on the train and again, it was like it was just for me!

No one else on the train!

The train ride lasted about an hour, combined with the bus ride it was a total of about 2 hours.  Then I got on the L from Millennium station to get to Claire’s neighborhood.   Another 45 minutes and I was in the Lincoln Park area.   Claire met me just outside the station. What fun!

My flight to Atlanta is tomorrow (Wednesday) so I had a wonderful visit with Claire!  She is killing it in Chicago and her new apartment is wonderful.   We had great Mexican food for dinner and spent the evening talking and enjoying her space.  It was a fun visit. 

Since we are now off the boat the blog is going on hiatus.  I will fly to Atlanta tomorrow and here is a preview of my meet up with William tomorrow.  What a treat to be with both of my kids in less than 24 hours.  I am just a proud dad…what else can I say.  They are wonderful adults. 

To our faithful readers we ask patience during this hiatus.  We will be back on the boat on Oct 5 (God willing, weather permitting - or should I say as long as the government shut down doesn’t prevent us from flying back to Chicago).   Please stay tuned and check back here after Oct 5 for further updates.  The trip down the river system looks to be interesting so I’m sure you’ll want to stay tuned!

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