Thursday, February 6, 2020

Wed Feb 5 - In which we drop anchor in the middle of the freeway

Titusville to Melbourne anchorage

There wasn't much to note today. Rick is also in charge of fixing electronics, so he had some work to do before I was able to get on with work.

Rick had worked hard to find us an anchorage that would protect us from a south blowing wind.  We passed a couple cute possibilities on the Banana River by Cocoa Beach, where we took wind surfing lessons.  But those were not the anchorage we were looking for (anyone?  Star Wars reference? anyone?!)  Apparently THE anchorage was RIGHT by the freeway going over one of the 65' bridges that span the ICW.  So it was NOT ONLY scenic, but NOISY.  Somehow the long day and this combined to turn me into the crabby bitch from hell and I had to be given a vodka tonic, even though it's the middle of the week.

We are alternately amused and annoyed by the fact that in an anchorage ALL the sailboats behave like elegant synchronized swimmers and promptly and gracefully face into the wind, never moving from their determined positions.  Blue Horizon however, bless her heart, has a LOT of windage (yes, it's really a word = the air resistance of a moving object).  Because she sits up high and has a lot of surface area, she gets  pushed around more.  The effect is like being on a golden retriever puppy with ADHA - she's always twirling around to look somewhere else.  I am sure the sailboats are either snickering or rolling their eyes in well-bred distaste, but I have never caught them at it.  If you sit at the table and watch the lights on land go zooming past it IS possible to get sea sick.... Better to gaze down into your vodka tonic and wonder why there is not much left.

But, as Mr Weather predicted, we were sheltered from the wind and we got a lovely sunset with the high clouds and contrails being blown around like cotton candy. 

Is there anything to Melbourne?  We will never know....we never got off the boat.

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