Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Sun Feb 23 - Vero Beach To Cocoa anchorage

In which it's deja-vu, all over again

The last time we came through here I complained about the arm-pit anchorage, right beside a freeway/bridge - so this time Rick solved it by finding us a new anchorage.  Right beside a freeway/bridge.

BUT - within view of what the literature says is, and I am not making this up, an awarding-winning water tower.  So there!  Lucky me:

AND, there were dolphins -

There were some less award-winning, but still cheerful sights:
Look - I made it look like a postcard!

And I decided my yummy cracker looked blessed (see previous post - that's how my brain works):

At night we decided to do some needle felting - at which we are both, I say generously, beginners.  Here is what we were going for:

We worked hard:

The deranged results:

Sigh..... We better not quit our day jobs.  Oh, crap - Rick already has...

1 comment:

  1. (1) I've never heard of needle felting! (2) If that's your first try, looks pretty good!
    The beach looks so different in South FL than it does here in North FL! (Guess which I prefer?).
