Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Fri Feb 21 - Vero Beach Interlude

In which Mother Nature has her way with us

Holy Whiplash, Batman!  Mother Nature had a MOOD SWING in the night.  When we went to bed it was so still and calm  - halfway through the night the wind came up and it was just like being in a washing machine.  There was that churning and slapping.  Remember when you were a kid and you went underwater in the bathtub and noises became both muffled and all encompassing?  It was like that.  We both put in ear plugs and went back to sleep.  THAT'S the kind of old salts we are.

When we got here yesterday I was all about staying on the mooring ball (I'm frugal, what can I say).  Thank goodness the dock hand reminded us how stormy it was going to be, and someone cancelled so we could get a slip.  During the 45 MPH gusts today, one of the mooring balls' chain snapped and the two boats that were rafted to it (tied up together - Vero Beach rafts its mooring balls - that is they put at least two boats on each mooring ball.  We were ready to try that, but .... whew) went flying down the channel.  Fortunately one of the teenagers that lives on a boat (there are a lot of families on boats - I'm kind of sorry we didn't do that, although I don't think I could have home schooled without killing everyone on board.  And, as Claire says,  I am 'a lot') got into his dingy, got to one of the the boats and threw their anchor overboard. Teenager saves the day - a rare good-news item

I had run out of Bonine, so pretty quickly I needed to get off the boat and into the marina lounge, where I worked a TON, and then caught up on the blog.  Meantime, Rick caught the bus to Publix and did laundry.  I LOVE having a wife.

For Rick it is not a Friday until he spends some bro-time with Guy Fieri.  Here they are hugging:

At night we walked to the Riverside Theater to see Lost In Yonkers, a Neil Simon play I was excited about.  When we came through two weeks ago, and Rick arranged for us to see the author talk, I got inspired to find things along the way to do.

AGAIN, we were the youngest people in about a 20 mile radius. Prior to the play we got to talking to a couple and it quickly became apparent that the wife was not tracking in the real world at all.  She had great coping skills, but clearly had no idea where they were.  This is very distressing on several levels - one of which is that possibly this kind of scenario somewhere in our future. On the way home, we had a conversation about this world of older people we are in and wondered if it is the right place for us to be.  I expect that age does not matter in the companions we choose, just a positive attitude and the desire to live your best life now?

Anyway, I really enjoyed the play.  Rick, being used to a diet of fast-pace John Wick action and Marvel special effects, thought it felt dated.  (it IS set in 1942, fyi)  The cast was charming.

I'm off to sleep my best sleep.

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