Saturday, February 1, 2020

Fri Jan 31 - In which we eat 2nd best pizza

 St Augustine Interval

You know, I wake up curious about what exactly I am bringing to the table on this trip.  I'm not good at the mechanics, I have stopped cooking, I'm not into cleaning.....  I need to talk this over with Rick.  He seems to like my company on the bridge.  and I am good as Lieutenant Uhura - Communications Officer.  Hmmmm - she always wore really skimpy clothing.  If I wore a skirt that short people would run screaming from the room...  BUT - I am the only person with a paying job, at this point...

So we stayed in (on the mooring ball at St Augustine) and I worked, since it was a grey day.  This marina/mooring field has a boat that comes around every two hours to shuttle you in to town.  This is very civilized, if you ask me, and we took advantage of it around 2pm.  It's also good thinking, as those who can get to town tend to spend money in town.  We were going to take a walking tour of St Augustine and Flagler College, but the day is so lousy, we are going to wait until we come back.  So we just walked around

and then went for pizza where the shuttle guy told us the locals eat - I'm quite curious about the 1st best one would be:

 Rick saw this sign, and wondered about trading me in.  HilLARIOUS....

We came under the Bridge of Lions to get to our mooring, here Rick decides to mess with the lions.  Of course he does, that's dad humor for you.  Little does he know they have their EYE ON HIM...

I guess the message is - fly, be free:

PS - Rick is worried about the pink fluid in the Lazarette (back hold), but I just can't with that.  I can only take so much worrying..  I'll think about it tomorrow, said Scarlette O'Hara...

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