Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sat Nov 16 - In which there is Sound and fury

Sunbury Harbor – Teakettle Creek anchorage

We got off the dock quick, at Sunbury Harbor, because the boat was starting to rock and we had mastered that Physics lesson.  It was going to be a  l o v e l y day (I say with all the sarcasm I can muster).  It was another day where driving from inside was required.  Sheets of rain, terrible visibility and, crossing St. Catherine Sound, the wind and waves got big enough that I had to put my head down on the table and let time pass.  I know intellectually that the little Weeble will not tip over, but getting hit from the side by big waves is still very unnerving.  I would have been able to pay better attention to the scary part if I weren’t distracted by the nausea part.  Eventually I got to that interesting place where you don’t know if you are hungry or nauseous.  By then we were in calmer water so it turned out I was hungry.

The rest of the day was winding switch backs following the various rivers and streams.  The marsh all around was so flat that we could see boats parallel to us but several bends ahead.  We found a quiet anchorage and said some prayers to the anchor god.  There’s no shelter out here but marsh grass, all one can do is hope we (by which I mean Rick) read the tides and wind well.

Off to bed – just us and our frenemy The Anchor Alarm…Sigh.  I look forward to sleeping alone with my husband at some point..

1 comment:

  1. At least you’re keeping your sense of humor! Love, Your avid blog reader
