Sunday, November 12, 2023

Sat Nov 11: The Homestretch to Kingerfisher Marina in Demopolis, AL

Sunshine wanted to leave at 8am, but we talked them into 7am (can you believe I was a willing participant in such a thing?!).  We wanted to be well down the river by the time the group of boats came through the lock.

I was happy to see where we anchored, since we barely saw it last night before night fell like a piano on our heads.


 It was a long day, natch, and Rick sent me back to bed for part of it.  It was so gloomy and rainy that I was just a whiny baby.

The white Cliffs of Epps were about all there was to write home/blog about:



Over the last few hours I developed a phobia that something was going to happen to the boat, so close to this 2023 end.  But the flag stayed on, so nothing bad happened - and we got to Kingfisher Marina in Demopolis uneventfully.  

We've been here before - our original boat friends, Lynn and Carolyn, sold their boat here.  We drove over from Atlanta to help them.  So we had a debate about selling Blue, but decided to stay the course...

So grateful to be here, we kissed the dock and fell into bed!

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