Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Mon Oct 30: Olmsted Lock to Paducah KY

This gave me a giggle as we waited for the 4 rafted boats to untangle their anchors and get ready to go.  On Hope & Dreams (they are 2 professors on leave from Hope College) the husband, Scott, set the anchor last night.  The anchor alarm went off all night and while he slept through it, his wife Jill did not sleep at all. In the morning she gave him a terse lesson in geometry, complete with diagram, explaining exactly what he had done wrong!

Hooray for the Ohio!  It's wide and straight, with plenty of depth! And the lock masters are super!  Also, this is a very new, enormous lock with TWO 1200’ x 600’ chambers, so they could move us and other traffic at the same time.  My BF, Kyle, got us in at 8am and away we went.  

The Ohio River is 981 miles long, starting in Pittsburgh, PA and flowing SW to Cairo, IL. We will only traverse about 60 miles of it. Most of that today.

Apparently the Ohio River lacks cel service as this is how Rick had to make phone calls…

Rick was amazed by this entire building that had been swept down river and was just sitting there.  Hasn’t anyone noticed it’s missing?!

Rick developed a bit of a guy-crush on this dredger.  So clean, new, red and shiny!!

By the time we got to the Paducah City Docks the sun was out.  It was 33 degrees with wind chill, tho, so walking around suddenly seemed less appealing.

The city docks look pretty new, and they are an enormous structure. The whole thing will float up those huge pillars when the high waters come. If you zoom in you can see, on the last pillar on the right, a long scratch mark, starting about 1/3 of the way down the pole.  That shows you how high this dock structure has floated in the past.

They are ready for some HIGH water…

In fact, they are ready for high water because the city has lived though two devastating floods.  It’s a walled city, for that reason.

Rick standing at one of the gaps in the wall, which can be closed-along with the door.

There is a LOT of wall, as you can imagine, and they have done a wonderful job using it for murals depicting various events from the town’s past.  Clark, of Lewis and Clark, was a founder!
Rick gives the Boy Scout salute.  As I always say, adorkable….

While Rick went looking for the wrong part to buy, I went to the:

I admire but am not very interested in traditional quilts.  But I love ‘art quilts’, like the Quilts of Gee’s Bend. And this museum, which I understand is a mecca for quilters, did not disappoint!  I’ll let the pix do the talking…

This is from the exhibit on tiny quilts.

This one is called ‘Small Craft Warning’-it’s part of an exhibit of quilts about the element ‘Wind’.

This one is also from the ‘Wind’ exhibit-I thought Mr Weather might like it!

I know, right?!  I was blown away by the creativity. The artists used all kinds of mediums: paper, yarn, gauze, found objects, burned and painted fabric! And the stitching!! Just crazy pants…

We were going to go out for pizza with Hope & Dreams, but it was too cold so we hunkered down and watched the Disney live-action version of The Little Mermaid. Just need to mention here that the lead, Halle Bailey, went to elementary school with William, and was in the talent show the year I ran it.  I’m not saying my influence had anything to do with her rising star.  But I’m not NOT saying that either!!

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