What a pleasure to be back on the water - and it was a lovely, cheerful day. Even Rick's arm is feeling better. What a difference a not-broken prop makes!
You can bet our eyes were GLUED to the chart and the markers... They are our friends.
You know, just your average rural docks along the water. Dock/boat, dock/boat, dock/boat - as far as the eye can see, until the last wise-guy...
We were pretty quickly to our destination. It's amazing how much more quickly we can go with a functional prop. (And, don't tell our real prop, it is possible this prop gives us more juice for the RPM). We were lucky enough to get a spot on the free wall - it's a long weekend so things are full. But maybe the universe decided we had had enough for one week, and we got the last spot. We took a walk along the Tip to Tip Trail that runs the length of the island on this side of the lock. Charmingly, the park/lock lawn had been taken over by a troop of Girl Guides who were camping and doing water activities. It brought good memories back for Rick, who loved camping with Claire - and it gave me PTSD thinking about camping with my Girl Scout troop.

There's something you don't see very often! Possibly it's a Girl Guide.
At night we were able to eat dinner up on the top deck, and appreciate the show Mother Nature gave us. It ended with a terrific lightening display in the distance.
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