Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Sun July 3: Deep Bay to Burlington Harbor Marina

Our wimpy little line held up fine in the night, and we slept so well. I mean, I could really do without the sun shinning in at 4:50am, but …. w h a t e v e r.

A couple of hours later we were looking at Burlington VT! Which was in a very celebratory mood as they were celebrating July 4th today!

We had to IMMEDIATELY get creamies, with maple flakes on top - why WHY does no other state have this delicious creamy goodness???

We look like pack mules when we provision.

This is a nicer marina then our other Burlington experience.  Pretty posh, and they have swans!! Lol

We got to see my mom's Oberlin College roommate, Lenny!  Former CIA spy, and formidable sailor who spent 23 years on a sailboat traveling the world with her husband.  We'll have her over for dinner tomorrow night, along with another Oberlin rommie, Bobbie!

The real event, of course, was the fireworks - shot from a barge anchored right in front of the marina.  We know from fireworks, I tell you - and these were a really special experience. Rick had us facing exactly the right direction. A M A Z I N G

Peace reigns again-late at night.

1 comment:

  1. Looked up "vermont creamies"...much like soft serve ice cream which is a big deal in upstate NY. It was a nightly thing for Grandma to say "want to go get an ice cream" in Tupper Lake. Fireworks pics STUNNING! Everything is prettier lit up at night, isn't it? (I'm a fan of dark and quiet though).
