GUESS what we’re doing?!
If you guessed ‘boating’ you would be WRONG. If you guessed ‘sitting on a boat waiting for a part to come in while spending money’ you win Special Blog Prize Of The Week….
On the plus side: the boat passed her sea trial with flying colors, some long-ago friends showed up on their boat “Inconseavable” (best boat name ever, if you are a Princess Bride fan), and it’s 65 degrees and I had to put on a sweater!
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ALSO, and this is the BIG one-William accidentally got himself a JOB as a Medical Assistant in the Primary Care Physicians of Atlanta practice! We are so proud of him - how cute is he in his scrubs with stethoscope!!! Guess what brand his scrubs are …. (Don’t read ahead without guessing)
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Scrub brand, I’m not making this up, Grey’s Anatomy Scrubs! |
On the minus side: you know how you forget the trauma of childbirth so that you then are silly enough to do it again? Well, I’m like that with the boat. I romanticize and look forward to it, and then I’m smacked hard in the face each time by the cleaning and prep required to set up a second home on the water. And I’m only doing about 10% of it. I even begged off Mon morning so I could teach my English class. Rick is like a crazy person, rushing about etc... Sadly, we have plenty of time to clean because the boatyard forgot to order a critical hose blah blah something or other, and we have to wait for it to be delivered, on Wed. Depending on what time it comes we may get away then, we may not...
If Rick doesn't implode from waiting, he may need a pacemaker once he sees the bill that's going to come in. Perhaps this is a good time to revisit the whole we-hit-a-rock-at-the-end-of-last-year fandango. Go ahead and re-read that part....I'll wait. So we had the boat hauled out at the time, and got a new propeller. Fast forward to later that fall when they hauled the boat out for storage here at Winter Harbor. Once close attention was paid to the critical 'running gear' (keel, propeller, shaft, motor ) it became clear that the ENTIRE THING had been knocked out of alignment and would have to be rebuilt. Rough estimate? $44,000 dollars.... I was out of town, thank you baby Jesus, but Rick lost a whole night of sleep trying to figure out how to sell a kidney to pay for the repairs. In the morning he called insurance, and they are paying THE WHOLE THING!! How incredible is that - all these years we have paid insurance for all these things, and this ONE TIME we finally get out of it more than we put in!! ALSO - how great was it that I was out of town and only heard about this once it was solved....
Anyway - we will be sitting here, cleaning, until Wed at least. And, let me assure you, it did not stay 65 degrees....and I did not get to keep wearing a sweater.... Also, $300 for groceries at Walmart was only 5 bags worth 😤 Pray for us.
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Here is our sweet boat - chomping at the bit to get going. |
We are not alone, though. We had docktails with Dana/Mike from Journey, and the Inconseavable people, as well as two new friends, Mon night. Tues night we drove to Fulton to have dinner with our friends Alison/Skip who we met two years ago. And Rick got to see his friends at Ace Hardware 3 times! So mostly we are feeling lucky:
If we don’t leave Wed, tho, we might have to practice:
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Watching the sun go down on Winter Harbor - hopefully for the LAST TIME!! |
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Good night, dear faithful 3 readers! |
So I should let you have your insurance high and not tell you about the insurance on the condo building here?