In which Rick goes full Marie Kondo …
We treated ourselves to a second day in B’ville and had a nice day with domestic duties and exploring. We had watched an episode of Marie Kondo on Netflix, and Rick decided to try thanking each piece of clothing as he carefully Kondo-folded the laundry. Not sure yet if it had any effect (especially on the smelliness). Here are some pictures from the day.
We’re getting pretty good at transporting stuff on our bikes |
Pastoral view from the boat.
The dock is right by a large cemetery - I asked my friend, Deb, how that ranked in the scary lineup and she says it is scary but not as bad as being anchored with us right next to a spooky derelict boat. I slept fine!
The one-room school house, which I felt warmly toward because my mom went to school in just such a place.
People in B'ville are working hard to take care of the lovely old houses.
Goodnight from B'ville. It turns out we will meet the people on one of these other boats at our next stop - but we don't know them yet.
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