I bet there were some hangovers out there fishing for marlin today - or maybe, since it was the ladies competition today, 1/2 the fishing population was sleeping it off.
We went up the Adam's Creek on our way to New Bern. The cartographers have a very different definition of 'creek' then we do - it was a good sized body of water. Peaceful tho, with just the average middle class helicopter:
And the 24/7 dredging crew who keep us boaters afloat. Bless you guys/gals:
Then we turned up the Neuse River, which made me super happy as it was FINALLY SOME PLACE WE HAVEN'T BEEN BEFORE!... And Rick got on the phone to 'work' as I negotiated this HUGE expanse of water that was all only 5 feet deep. It's incredible to me that there can be water almost as far as you can see, and you could stand up in all of it. I negotiated a bridge opening and then the thought of me docking by myself made Rick nervous enough that he got off the phone.
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New Bern opens its bridge for Blue Horizon |
This might be the biggest marina we have been in - and we needed to get rid of the 'black water' (toilet stuff) before we docked at our slip. I was super anxious, but game, and maneuvered around lots of boats and into a slip - which I haven't done before. And I thought it went great! Backing out - not so much. Bear in mind I've never backed up before... But I didn't run into anything and I only had to gun it to avoid a couple of things, and I can't help it if Rick's blood pressure is really delicate.
I turned the wheel over to the seasoned old salt, who was a bit off his game on arriving at slip 34, but we got there in the end. Here's the thing. Blue Horizon has been in this marina before. And the last time it was here, Sept 2018, it experienced Hurricane Florence. And I am a very superstitious person. So I am torn between 'yikes, this combination of boat and New Bern was a bad before' and 'there is no way this boat will experience a hurricane in New Bern again'. All one can do is hope for the best, and prepare for the worst. Just like in life...
And here is something to distract you from that worry - we have now pumped out the black water tank and NOTHING can go in it, yet we have one more night on the boat. You figure it out. If you guessed that I am peeing in the shower (sink and shower drain right into the water).......
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